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At-Home Yoga Routine

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Now that lockdown is in place, many of us have more time on our hands than we are used to, an at-home yoga routine might just be the thing to keep you moving and sane. Physical activity, even if it is only for 10 minutes will keep your mind off everything that is going on. And personally I believe that there is a spiritual element to yoga which can be very soothing in times of uncertainty.

Also yoga at home teaches you to pay attention to your own body, to realise what it needs on any given day and how to practice in a way that supports you both physically and mentally. Below I have put together a simple and quick set of poses that you can use to start your home practice.

Slowly and gently move into the yoga poses below. Once you have settled into the full pose, focus on slow, controlled deep breathing from the belly. Or if you are familiar with Ujjayi breath, go ahead, and inhale through the nose, slightly contracting the muscles at the back of the throat as you exhale.

Take 5 to 8 deep and slow breaths in each pose (on both sides when applicable) before moving onto the next pose.

Happy home practice.


Ana xxx

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